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Should NH encourage more bear hunting this season?

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New Hampshire, and many other New England states, has seen a steady increase in wild bear populations over the last few years. New Hampshire alone is estimated to have over 6,000 black bears, causing some to question whether the bear population is growing too quickly and needs to be controlled.

Supporters of increased hunting argue that the increase poses a safety risk—more bears means more potential encounters between bears and humans. According to the NH Dept. of Fish and Game, this year's summer drought has caused an increase in bears foraging for food near populated areas, like bird feeders and garbage cans near homes. 

On the other hand, opponents argue that bear population growth has been steady, and there are enough opportunities to hunt already. Too much hunting could decrease the population too quickly.

UPDATE: Read our Citizen Voices℠ report and find out where New Hampshire stands on this issue.



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